Winner Computers

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Reviews (3)

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verified email - 24 Jun 2011
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Value Rating

Very friendly staff who appear quite knowledgeable. Ian, the owner will help you find exactly what you need and offer the product at a reasonable price.

Approximate cost: $varies

verified email - 07 Jul 2009
Service Rating
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Value Rating

I purchased a computer there last year, I wanted to pay one off but not take it till it was paid for, and although the young boys thought i was crazy for not just taking it home interest free, they were more than happy to do it the way i wanted. so i went in every couple weeks and paid $50ish tillthe $1500 was paid.

verified email - 16 Jun 2008
Service Rating
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Value Rating

As my PC had died, I needed to replace it with a newone. I had been shopping around, and knew exactly what i needed, but the cost varied by hundreds of dollars form retailer to retailer. I was recomended to Winners. And they gave me a very good price.

Approximate cost: $895.00