Reviews by belindac41

This review is for Dr Sush Next Generation Obstetrics and Gynaecology , North Melbourne VIC

19 Jan 2019

We found Dr Sush through a newsletter at Fertile Ground. I was immediately drawn to his profile which highlighted several professional values that were a top priority for us... mainly INFORMED CONSENT.

We had our first baby 4 years earlier with a well known female OB in Melbourne. At the time I was young, clueless and had a lot of trust in the medical profession. I didn’t know the questions that I needed to be asking. I look back on that pregnancy and feel a sense of disappointment that I wasn’t informed about the benefits and risks of all procedures and plans.

As a mother who has found my tribe and shared birth stories I realised that things could have been very different with my first pregnancy and labour.

During the last four years we have experienced several negative experiences with standard/ traditional GPs and peads. When we fell pregnant with bubs number two I was adamant that things would be different. I was ready to use a midwife if I could not find a supportive OB. I was armed with info and much more confidence. I told Dr Sush what we were aiming for (ie. VBAC with no intervention). We also declined several ‘routine’ procedures after reviewing evidenced based literature regarding the benefits and risks of each.

Not once did I ever feel disrespected, judged, belittled or patronised by Dr Sush. Although he disagreed with some of our choices he respected our wishes to decline several procedures. He also briefed the peadiatrican on our wishes which helped to establish a stress free delivery.

I truly believe Dr Sush is a rare gem because doctors are far too often on a power trip. I hope the new generation of OBs will soak up the wisdom that Dr Sush has to offer especially when it comes to respect, communication and informed consent.

Dr Sush... we feel very privileged to have meet you while you still had heaps of time to spend with us. I hope you can maintain your amazing values as your practice gets busier over the years.

Thank you again for your calm nature, professionalism, knowledge, flexibility, sense of humour and playlists :0) Most importantly thank you for safely delivering our beautiful baby girl. She will grow up hearing about the amazing doctor who delivered her. Who knows, you may still be practicing if she decides to have kids of her own one day ️

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