Reviews by crushlilyc

This review is for Green Kids, Perth WA

verified email - 31 Jan 2013

I first purchased a set of 12 Green Kids reusable nappies 18 months ago after trying a few of the brands available. I really only had two criteria; firstly that they not leak, and secondly, that they dry reasonably quickly. It turned out that Green Kids were the only ones I tried that did not leak at all. As for drying, they dry within 12 hours in 16+ temperatures as long as they get some full sunlight. If they need to dry indoors with heating on (such as in a dreary Melbourne winter) they will take about 24 hours.

I use the nappies four out of seven days (my son's child carer prefers disposables) and they are certainly excellent value. I have recently purchased new outer nappies as after so much washing the velcro closers and the elastic around the legs has worn out. The inserts remain as absorbent as ever though. They have adjusted well to my son's growth and I do not expect to have to replace them again.

I also find a vinegar rinse helps with any smell retained and a vinegar and baking soda hot rinse helps the washing machine!

Very happy with the product and pleased to support a business from my home town.

Approximate cost: $200-300