Reviews by georginae41

This review is for Ministry Of Cleaning, Melbourne VIC

verified email - 26 Feb 2019
Service Rating
Quality Rating
Value Rating

I was extremely disappointed in the service I received by this business.
I booked a 2 hour house clean ($70) hoping for it to be a regular monthly thing. I explained to the cleaner what I wanted, and then left the house to do errands. I came home to what I would rate a 2.5 out of 10 cleaning job. I felt like he could have accomplished what he did in the space of 30 mins, not 2 hours. I took photos of the issues I noticed (shower not cleaned, floors not cleaned, sink not cleaned etc) and made a complaint to the company. They gave me 2 options - have the same incompetent cleaner come back to address the issues, or give me a $15 refund. I explained that I believed neither of those options were good enough in these circumstances and I expect a lot more from a professional cleaning service. They did not acknowledge the poor job done in the photos I attached, and replied only minimally to my detailed concerns. In the end I did not want to pay $55 for my house not to be cleaned (if I took the refund) so I opted for the cleaner to return. Well... he showed up at our house with 3 friends with him (that were not assisting with the clean)!!! This is extremely appalling and unprofessional. I am shocked at what this company believes is appropriate and acceptable. I would definitely not use the service again and would strongly recommend for anyone else considering this business so go elsewhere instead.

Approximate cost: $70

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