Reviews by Janet-Au

This review is for Camelot Studio, Richmond SA

26 Sep 2022
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Went there today, was so glad I did. Someone said they have Lots of Stuff - a really big range! I'm so happy to know they are Not closing like someone thought they were. They have only sold Part of the Building and are moving their stock immediately into the Corner part of the building. Everything will be the Same, Terry tells me. They are just downsizing a little.

I bought some really nice Stamps and Stampads and packets of Precut Cardstock at good prices Etc They have lots of Stampads in pretty colours from different companies - I love some of the Archival and PinkFresh Colours! They have Memento too. Not many stores have those 3 brands - I discovered Archival and Memento on YouTube Videos, demonstrated and recommended by someone who is really good at making Craft Cards. PinkFresh is altogether new to me and their Colours are irresistible.

I've been looking for some Good Stampads to replace Impress, I've had for years and are not manufactured anymore. I tried the Archival and PinkFresh when I arrived home and am Very Happy with them.

I live accross the other side of the city and for sure, I plan to be a returning customer. Thank You Terry and Mrs. See you sometime Soon!

This review is for Pie Time, Tea Tree Gully SA

09 Jul 2022
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We were out that way today and will make sure to be sometimes because everything looked really good and we both tried their Cornish Pasties with sauce. Well, we were not disappointed. They were nice fat chubby pasties with a "bowl of filling" in them, I could be Sure - So Tasty! And a good price too. Good Value and nice pleasant friendly staff with about 5 comfortable tables and chairs. Can't wait for our next visit there. Surprised not to see more reviews here because they appear to be keeping high standards, and several happy customers leaving with their packets of goodies as we sat there enjoying every mouthful of sumptuous delight. Established in 2016.

This review is for Hong Tam Restaurant, Salisbury East SA

12 Jun 2022
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So Happy to find a Good Vietnamese Restaurant here in this area ...... a 10 minute drive for me, close to a family member. We went there a week ago and are Sure to go back there often!

They make Vietnamese, Chinese and some Thai Meals! We really Enjoyed their Lemongrass Chicken $14.40 that looks superb and their Thai Red Beef Curry $18.00 which came in a big wide attractive bowl (I had a second serve at home the following day). Not sure what our two guests had but Everyone's meal looked really inviting.

Just to think they are open from 10am is truly great - not every restaurant does that. To me, the atmosphere of this Restaurant is nicely ambient - everyone thought so.

We are still thinking about the meal we had there and saying to each-other "It was Nice!" and we can't wait to go there again!

The staff are Friendly and Courteous and they also do Takeaway. ENJOY!

Update Mid July: We keep going to Hong Tam's. They are nice friendly people with good tasty meals and one of our new favorites is STY Chicken in a big bowl for $14.00

This review is for Chiera & Sons Fresh Market, Salisbury Downs SA

12 Jun 2022
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This grocer used to be called Hollywood Fresh. They changed their name to their family name in recent times when they renovated and became more of a Produce Market. They still have the Freshest Fruit and Veggies outside of the Farmers Markets!

Sometimes they have really good Special Prices, including for items like Eggplants, Zucchini and Capsicums. Their Swede, Turnips and Parsnips are the Best around - so very Fresh - Swedes are about $5.00 a Kilo but well worth it!

Their Staff are always very friendly in the Store but not the best over phone, I've found on a some occasions, so there is room for improvement. I recommend to just go there instead - you will ALWAYS find FRESH Produce there!

UPDATE: I have found them to be very quick and somewhat short over the phone a few times - it is better to go there.

This review is for The Natural Funeral Company, West Hindmarsh SA

21 Mar 2022
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This Review is one of good and bad, concerning a Service for a very dear friend Margaret Jean McDonald 80yrs at Folland Chapel Enfield Memorial Park SA on June 4th 2018. The Service itself was pleasantly low key, nothing dramatic until......

Officiating Mr Colin Clark took the liberties of sharing personal views to his audience (friends and family members present) an agnostic statement "We don't even know if there's such a place as heaven..........." in very doubtful tones.

Just then, Margaret's closest little great grandchild broke out in uncontrollable tears in shock, disorientated. She was distressed for her Nanny. I quickly made my way over to the little girl and embraced her - she had her arms around my waist, not knowing who I was and clinging on for dear life. Little ears are often listening closely to every word we speak, even when not addressed to them.

That was a very serious assumption to say those things Mr.

I've more reasons than enough to believe "Heaven is indeed Real" not a fantasy, and not a religious term, space does not permit to write here, things I have shared through the years, people have really expressed their thanks to me. I also know someone personally who had 4 heart attacks, and a 5th one took her. Sometime later, she shared her story with me.

She was up there, face to face with Jesus and her clear description of Him (those 40-50mins she was there) is that she was gazing at His eyes the entire time and "His Eyes were Pools of Love" she kept saying to me.

She said she did not want to shift her eyes from His, as she relived this experience in vivid memory, The expression on her face was totally transformed as she was reliving this. I have never seen her with that expression any time before or since. She has loved Jesus for many years and often expressed affection and contagious Joy when communicating with people and little kiddies. However, the expression on her face in reflection that day was one of sheer ecstasy and adoration.

So I would say to Mr Colin Clark, you have your reasons for thinking the way you do but do not take such liberties in imposing them on others in their hour of need - especially on such occasions. Scaring little kids in doing so. That can be very damaging to little hearts and minds. I prayed for that little girl for weeks after embracing her to comfort her in what little way I could that day.

Besides, you never know what delicate thoughts are in people's hearts and minds at such events. It is a time of deep and delicate reflections - give them space.

I call it a form of religious conjecture, what you did that day. The rest of the Service was Really Nice and then that at the end. Fantasies about God and Heaven would be kinder than seeming harsh realities you introduced at the end. You may as well said "lets have a religious argument" right when people are entitled to have a sense of Peace and Hope of seeing their Loved One again.

That really wasn't right what you did. And no doubt other occasions. God grant you wisdom to make "All the Service right" for people in future. Peace to all who read this.

This review is for Orientai, Holden Hill SA

21 Mar 2022
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We went to this Restaurant about 4-5 years ago - we pass by there quite often. It's one of the few Asian Restaurants who open for LUNCH and Dinner. The atmosphere is elegant and ambient and the staff Courteous and Polite. One of them is exceptionally nice. We like the way he walked us over to a table by the window and gave us cheery converse when he waited on us, happy to see us again a few times.

The meals listed on their menu are Very Different to anywhere else we have been, with an unusual selection, restrictive for us - we were unsure what to choose. We found two dishes that could be suitable, so we tried one each. We quite enjoyed them and came back for those a few times.

Then one day the Menu changed - quite radically for us because there was nothing we thought we would like to try, so we had to leave and have not been back since.

Maybe they have a different Menu there now - this Venue is so Nice, it's a pity not to give things another try:)

One thing I must point out though. On two occasions, the nice Spicy Beef Meal I ordered (the same one) had about 4-5 peices of fat which amount to half the protein content in the meal, leaving not much of the main ingredient to enjoy - which was disappointing. It spoilt the experience of dining there.

When I questioned the Chef about that, he said he always uses the same cuts of Beef. I can understand that some Chefs like to use a Marble cut of Steak for Grills, but this was a Spicy meal with liquid, served in a bowl. it made me feel somewhat nauseous and spoilt the Dining experience.

Most health conscious people - and anyone who likes good quality food - do not like that kind of thing and would refrain also. I do not believe in a "No Fat Low Fats Diet" and I Never buy Cheap Nasty Veggie Oils (that includes Canola) they are Not "healthy for us at all" that's a Big Con the Manufacturers of Polyunsaturates have sold people on. They are the ones who outlawed Good Healthy Grass-Fed Butter and Cold Pressed Coconut Oil, and villainized them. That's outrageous - what a Dupe.

But it's still good to have Lean Meat - especially in a meal, it's so much nicer. I would like the Chef at Orientai to consider that. The meals would be so much nicer. We have friends who own an Indian Restaurant and they always buy good quality cuts of meat. They said to us when we first went to Chillies that cheap cuts of meat can wreck a good meal, and your reputation - that they refuse to use them. Also, this does not stop them from offering reasonable priced meals and Everyone is Happy.

It would be so nice to enjoy the ambient atmosphere and personalized service again there, wondering if I should give it another try - depends on what's available on the Menu I suppose. We saw groups of friends and family members there - an ideal Venue for social gatherings.

This review is for Health Elements - Health Store, St Agnes SA

21 Mar 2022
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This is a really nice Health Store for pretty much most of your requirements. Very clean and spacious, nicely laid out. The staff are helpful and respectful. They have a SPECIAL DISCOUNT DAY on the Second Monday each Month, where they give you a GENEROUS 25% OFF of almost everything in the Store, which is more than Healthy Life Stores used to offer - it can make a lot of difference when you purchase your Items - especially expensive quality Supplements.

You may also be happy to know that Heather and Andrew have arranged a Good Deal with 3 Popular Companies whereby they can offer you an Every Day Discount of 15% on All products by Herbs of Gold.....Nutra Life....Fusion......This comes in especially handy if you miss the Special Monday. Schuessler Tissue Salts and sprays have 10% Off Everyday..

Have you seen their Fabulous Range of NATURAL CLEANERS? I was pleasantly surprised to discover they have most of the ENVIRO CARE range and a handful of ABODE on hand at reasonable prices, which save you from waiting for interstate Postal Deliveries. I have an absolute Fad on HEALTHY NATURAL CLEANING PRODUCTS since discovering TRI NATURE Products years ago, which can be hard to find locally. I love the Natural Smell and Feel of these products without Nasty Chemicals in them - they are Effective too!

I wish you well Heather, and your friendly staff. We need Health Stores like yours. Things have changed and there are not many around these days - some people are missing them. Happy to say Heather and Andrew are there for us at St Agnes

This review is for Windsor Village Medical Centre, Windsor Gardens SA

20 Mar 2022
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This has been my Medical Practice since my 20s and has been mostly alright with comfortable seating and respectful receptionists, but something came to light last year that is really concerning: they have a Misdiagnosis from a hospital 40 years ago as a Medical Condition which has always annoyed me but they have absolutely nothing mentioned about ACUTE ANEMIA which almost cost me my life (half my blood supply being transfused) and HYPERACUSIS (the nerve fibres in my ears were pretty much destroyed by a life-altering nasty reaction to an Antibiotic called RULIDE and everything was deafening/amplified for 3.5 years, causing me to live in isolation to protect my ears). No report was ever made about the Rulide at the time either which was highly negligent.

That medical situation almost cost me my life also - due to the immense amount of physical and mental stress of surviving each day on a continual basis, my liver and kidneys started shutting down, leaving 40 mins to my life on arrival to the Queen Elisabeth Hospital. Yet the Windsor Surgery found no importance to REPORT this to the Manufacturers, which I find reprehensible, having experienced all that.

When I attended an appointment with Dr. Joe Przybylko last year, he wanted to "cut out a skin cancer"I did not have (it was a mere flake left on my forehead after a pimple I had (there is absolutely nothing there to this day, not a trace). And he wanted to put me on STATINS (from a lab report in the notes about 6.5 years ago, the once) no mention of an up-to-date lab test to be made for that.

He got angry when I said I can address Cholesterol through Diet and Exercise if needed. He said "No, that can't be done!" which is an absolute Lie - two other GPs who are not so keen on the use of Statins have instructed two people I know, to do that with success. Plus I've been engaged in Natural Health Research for many years and am aware of much Misleading Information in the Cholesterol Scare Campaign which has persisted all these years with Statins being Big Pharma's biggest Cash Cow. Cholesterol is not the Enemy it's made out to be, but Profiteering with Statins is.

They actually put your heart at risk rather than save it because it strips away the Protective Cholesterol from the heart which actually places it in the danger zone they claim to take you out of. Plus GOOD CHOLESTEROL is also essential for our Nerve Cells and Brain Cells (an absolute must). In fact, Statins are such a CON there are several True Medical Experts exposing their profession in relation to the use of them, these days. Statins attack both GOOD and Bad Cholesterol. it has even now been discovered that Both the HDL and LDL play important roles, believe it or not.

Professional Book Titles abound on Amazon Au on this very important subject. One such title is A STATIN NATION by Dr Malcolm Kendrick 2018. You can check them out.

Yet Joe got snappy and ordered me to come back to let him cut out the non-existent "cancer" (a figment of his imagination) and "take the Statins!" Needless to say, I have not seen him since.

No reference to the Real Medical Issues I did have, in their “medical records” and trying to create medical issues I don’t have. He leads two Clinics. Friends, there are many GPs who “shop for business” that way. In many instances, they want permanent customers with many “medications” they prescribe. Do be careful.

This review is for ALDI, Golden Grove SA

03 Mar 2022
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This used to be the best branch of Aldis in the area, out of 4 stores. All the staff were so friendly and polite, some people from other districts preferred to shop there (they would sometimes mention this to me when shopping).

Nowadays is a different picture. They have a different manager and things have sadly declined. She seldom answers you if you say hello and those dear young people work under lots of pressure with her - the really friendly ones keep leaving because they can't endure the stress levels anymore.

I could say more because I know someone who left there a few months ago out of necessity who eventually revealed much to me. Without question, she was the best worker there - very friendly, always courteous and polite. She was exceptionally nice with ALL of "her customers" taking interest in them and went out of her way often to help them, plus she often cheered people up. I gave my phone Nb to her just before she left and she was happy to be friends after leaving - her presence has been missed by customers like myself and yet again, there is all new staff there mostly.

I encountered just how nasty the manager can be two days ago when having to return not the first lot of bananas that went really awful in an extremely short time. She rebuked and reprimanded me repeatedly to the point where I said "once is enough" and then she kept on saying she will tell all "her managers" need I say more?

She has really spoilt a nice shopping experience for me and countless others because she keeps changing the staff and we don't know anyone anymore. Doubtless to say, that isn't my supermarket of choice anymore. I feel so sorry for those dear young people working there, and the worker I described says there is nothing we can do about her because "Aldi doesn't care, they don't want to know about it" and I've found them uncontactable, with a whole lot of shocking reports in the reviews on their Corporate Website, yet they didn't publish mine (that was just about the manager's manner about the bananas).

Dear shoppers, I'd like to ask you something: what kind of establishment are we trusting our shopping experience to when choosing Aldis for cheap prices? A dear friend of a family member refuses to go back to his nearby Aldi Store after an interaction there and he doesn't have a car. I thought that was an isolated incident.

Can you think of any other big establishment in shopping retail, who refuses to provide even a central customer phone service? Maybe my friend is right when she says "don't waste your time, they're a big multi-international company and they just don't care".....the proof seems to be on their own website that apparently shows she is right. I also noticed All entries in 18 out of 24pages of Feedback are dated 8th January 2022 (all 36 of them) same date! What does that say for their Communications with Customers? Is that how often they publish/update their Customer's Feedback? Please be careful.

CAUTION: Before you consider purchasing appliances etc from their Centre Isle, you should remember this: it is doubtful you would get a response of any kind, should something go wrong.

CALL TO ACTION: As a people, we should come against Lax Government Standards in permitting ANY Big Shopping Centres or Corporate Companies to operate without a Customer Service Ph Number of any kind. Prior to ALDIs change in that area two years ago, I've never heard of Any Company who are allowed to Show such Disrespect to the Australian Public and get away with such Practice. It's Discourteous. Its Reprehensible. And we have been putting up with this Substandard Service because products are cheap. Their lame excuse is that they are busy stocking up shelves during the Pandemic. So are other Companies, and they Pride Themselves on Customer Relations. Check things out and find this true. Pretty strange that every enterprising business - big and small - down a local street has a Phone Nb and ALDIs has None (Inoperative - there for show) the recording says to go to their website, that isn't helpful either. Total Disregard. We must do something about this now. Please contact your Local MPs and Consumer Affairs about this. Don't put it off. Act Now Today without delay. Companies only get away with these things because we let them, by not Speaking Up - we complain when conversing with friends instead. That's why we have been referred to as an apathetic people, through the years. Let us show them we're Not Anymore. Speak Up friends, lets do this!

This review is for Home Grain Bakery, Mount Compass SA

05 Sep 2021
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We used to always stop at this bakery for their nice plump pasties and vanilla slices - both very tasty. Sometimes they leave the pies and pasties in their warmer too long and they go dry. The last time I went there, I bought 5 pasties for $30.00 that were overbaked or left in the warmer far too long - thus inedible, so I have not returned there since. When they are not left in the warmer, the pasties and chunky steak pies are great. Ask to see the items before you buy is my best advice - especially when the young girls are in attendance. Staff are really friendly.

FEB 2022 UPDATE: Sad to say, it has been reported to me by a different venue we go to now that bakery has changed owners some time ago and many of heir previous customers go there now.

Approximate cost: $6