Reviews by lukek969

This review is for UroBriz, Auchenflower QLD

10 Mar 2023

I had my initial appointment with Dr Boon Kua about thirteen years ago in relation to various symptoms I was experiencing. Symptoms included frequency in urinating, a weak and slow urination flow, and waking up several times a night to urinate. During the initial appointment I was advised by Dr Kua I would likely require a procedure called a cystoscopy to properly diagnose my problem. The thought of what was involved in a procedure of this nature made me very nervous. After the appointment I decided to get on with life and live with the symptoms.
Over the next eleven years the severity of the symptoms became increasingly worse. They were affecting my life more than ever. I required regular bathroom visits everywhere and it was becoming quite stressful.
In 2021 as a 40 year old I returned to Dr Kua. On arrival because it had been so long, I completed a patient information form again and a questionnaire on symptoms which were categorised from mild to severe. I was severe for every symptom category. During my appointment Dr Kua appeared very concerned with my situation and the fact I had let this go for so long. He ordered an urgent CT scan, which led to a cystoscopy procedure the following week at Wesley Hospital. Dr Kua re-arranged his schedule to fit me in for the procedure. Having never had surgery before I was very nervous. After the cystoscopy, Dr Kua informed me that I had a condition called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). I was informed this condition was curable by having a surgical procedure called a Laser Bladder Neck Incision (Transurethral Incision of Prostate (TUIP). Dr Kua prescribed me medication to ease the symptoms while I waited twelve months for my private hospital cover to kick in.
In January 2023 I finally underwent surgery (Laser Bladder Neck Incision) at the Wesley Hospital. This required one night in hospital post-surgery. The surgery has been absolutely life changing! I am sleeping better and my days no longer revolve around frequent bathroom visits. I have my life back! In relation to the surgery to get here, it is nothing to be concerned about, and I regret not having it years ago.
I cannot recommend Dr Boon Kua highly enough! I found him to be reassuring through the whole process with a genuine concern for my situation. I also found him to be direct and gives you straight answers when you need them.
If you are suffering like I was, get it fixed!

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