MSY Technology

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Reviews for MSY Technology (13)

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verified email - 28 Oct 2023
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On Friday 7th July 2023 I purchased this for $63 plus Express Postage of $13 but I never received it since I don't have a Parcel Locker and they are refusing to refund me so I avoid using this company since they are thieves. I would recommend using Centre Com.

1 review · 500 points
verified email - 20 May 2017
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went to these repairers to change my iPhone battery, i went back to collect it after an hour or so, charged me $80 dollars took it home and charged it, the battery was fully charged in one hour, took it off charge and went dead in two hours just on standby, i called him back and told what it was doing , he said bring it back and ill take a look,,,, so i take it back and he says leave it here and come back in an hour so i did, went back and he said its good now i changed the battery, took it home and went dead in an hour :( so i was very frustrated , so i called [redacted - mentions alternative business by name], and told them what had happened , they said bring it here we'll take a look, so i go there and he opens the phone, and found that the battery that MSY technology had replaced was a dud used battery, [redacted - mentions alternative business by name] changed the battery and now the phone charges and discharges as normal, I do not recommend MSY technology do not go to these repairers, i do not wish this happens to anyone

Approximate cost: $100

verified email - 24 Sep 2013
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As is typical of MSY stores, this one is stocked with everything you could possibly need to repair/build/upgrade your computer, and even sells complete computers!

Their prices are the best you can find, and the staff are experts at what they do.

verified email - 12 Aug 2013
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MSY shops must all be staffed by "brothers" of the ones in other stores. My local is the Brooklyn one in Geelong Road. But if they are out of stock of a particular item, it's well worth the trip to this branch rather than trying to order from somewhere else, paying more and waiting a long time.

You need to know exactly what you want - search the website or take a computer expert with you - I find I can almost do this non-verbally. Have a highlighted print-out of the item or have the page on their website up on your tablet or phone, point to it and off they go.

How they know where every single hard drive, stick of RAM, cable, motherboard and graphics cards are, I don't know. But they come back with it in record time. Only interchange of words is the price. Then you leave with an armful of parts to go home and spend some happy techno time installing.

You CANNOT come to MSY without having a fair idea of what you want and what to do with it. They will answer limited questions, but they are assuming you know as much as they do. The expertise of the staff is stunning. But their "bed-side" sales manner is not. But you accept that for the sensational price, no frills approach and availability of the part you are after.

Often busy, but try to go at different times than just before closing or on a weekend morning.

I've only had good experiences here. Also their follow up is good. Had a hard drive which developed faults while still under warranty. This was sent off and when the reconditioned drive returned, they contacted us straight away.

For all computer needs - you must go there. And if you don't have a computer nerd to help out like I have in the family, try and borrow one.

Approximate cost: $150

verified email - 12 Aug 2013
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They have fantastic prices, and a wide range of products. I buy from them quite frequently and I'm really happy with them. Their website needs a bit of improving though.

verified email - 17 Nov 2011
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This is a great computer parts shop, it offers good price and I can return them without any reason. The parts are cheap but quality sometimes not that great, However, for computer experts it is good enough. Very nice for DIY and for some small computer applicants

verified email - 12 Jul 2011
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Prices are great - definitely the cheapest I could find! Customer service is kind of non-existent as you really need to know exactly what you want so that you can ask for it, be quickly served and then let them move on to the next customer. Also, the line is often literally out the door. But as mentioned earlier the prices make up for the customer service.

babenreviewer 12 Aug 2013

not for first timers maybe might go with a friend lol

verified email - 30 Dec 2010
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Do your research on the internet, check their price and stock levels on their website (you can even order online now and pickup in store) - but don't expect any customer service. This place is busy, they have no time to chit chat or give you advice. Make your selection, pay and get out. Saturdays and evenings, the line will be out the door and down the street, so bring an audiobook or something. Small credit card surcharge on Visa/Mastercard - but even still so much cheaper than anywhere else and they have the latest hardware in store.

verified email - 13 Jan 2010
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The price of computer technology is great! My only complaint is the service. The line is always out the door and you have to wait ages to be served. The store also lacks professionalism.

verified email - 19 Aug 2009
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You really have to know what you're after when you goto MSY. If you treat them as some sort of machine that dispenses computer parts and accessories at pretty much the best prices in Australia, they are amazing. They're refund policies and customer service leaves one wanting, but if you want to save a buck or two hundred, then it is the place to go.

verified email - 19 Aug 2009
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What they lack in customer service they make up for in price. Quick turnover means you get newer equipment at a cheaper rate than some of the other stores that have stuff sitting on their shelf for ages.

Approximate cost: $150.00

verified email - 24 Jul 2009
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MSY provides very cheap and affordable computer parts and accessories. Service isn't so good, however the parts are very cheap, cheaper than most retailers.
I buy most of my computer parts from their and they seem to be okay. Good for value

Approximate cost: $50

verified email - 13 Apr 2009
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msy is great but everyone that has been there knows that you're usually in for a big long queue. they offer prices that are almost always cheaper than any where else and they also offer brands that are not usually available anywhere else. staff are knowledgeable on products also so can assist you in your needs.