Reviews by shirleyp277

This review is for Ministry Of Cleaning, Melbourne VIC

verified email - 11 Jan 2021
Service Rating
Quality Rating
Value Rating

I recommend to stay away from this business. When I booked for the carpet cleaning, they supplied me a confirmation under someone else's details. I am still worried if my details will be sent to other people as well.
The carpet cleaning service itself was terrible. Our carpet has got some stains already, instead of cleaning it out, they made it worst and bigger size. It took 3 days full on very hot day (it was 28-30 degrees) even on the 3rd day some areas were still damp. This made me question if their machine suck up all the water or not. On the cleaning day, I asked the technician how long does it take to get the carpet dry. He responded "six hours"..this is clearly a misleading. Please stay away from this business. I was paying $140 for 3 bedrooms and ended up with ruined carpet, really not worth it.

Approximate cost: $140

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