Reviews by trentr154
At one point i could easily recommend the site, but not anymore...
Prices can fluctuate significantly for the same book (independent of taxes/currency differences), depending on the IP (!) EVEN IF THE SAME DELIVERY ADDRESS IS LISTED!
Discounts/coupon codes are rare these days & on & off you may be subject to orders you've placed, cancelled & refunded out of nowhere with no consideration of compensation to be given.
Customer service can range from excellent to exceptionally poor, bordering condescending & dismissive!
The strange thing is, book depository was bought out by amazon, yet to this day, amazon does have one of the best, attentive standards of customer service so how is it that it has not flowed through to book depository?
In all honesty, it's as though book depository does not feel the need to 'try' with their customers anymore...
These days, i'd recommend up & coming sites like 'awesome books' - sites that have re-focused on customer service, expanded range & offered more competitive prices at times than book depository offers.
used to be a good site - well paying & regular surveys. had my account 'terminated' twice (once the ONLY thing i did was redeem my balance in paypal 'rewards') & the second time for no reason at all aside from the generic 'violation' of their 'terms & agreements' or answering the surveys fraudulently/incorrectly which i did not.
if anything, the surveys offered many a time do not pay even after completing the whole thing honestly!
i would never recommend such a fraudulent site - worst part is, they keep whatever you've accumulated if they decided to 'terminate' your account randomly!
stay away, there's much better!!
Scam artists with VERY overpriced, flawed 'services'
We called PlumbFirst with a blocked toilet.
Was told that the pipe was cracked & roots had grown in.
Quote for the work to clear the roots & fix the pipe was quoted around $6000-7000!!!
Considering the ridiculous nature of the 'quote' we opted for a 'temporary fix' which involved the clearing of roots & a patch of the cracked pipe - which still hit the $450 mark (!!!)
The 'temporary fix' lasted all of a few days before the same problem was back again...
We promptly called PlumbFirst for resolution, only to be be reminded that the receipt stipulates 'no warranty' & the work is NOT guaranteed.
Further insult to injury, we were 'offered' another 'assessment' if they came out again. Knowing that at the LEAST we'd be up for another $450 only days later we gave them a miss.
Quite the near extortion tactic to offer a clearly flawed 'quick fix' only to peddle a HEFTY actual 'solution'.
Horrible experience all in all. NEVER have I encountered such dishonest conduct (while masquerading as 'transparent' by openly writing on receipts 'no warranty' - this alone SHOULD'VE served as a major red flag but we were desperate at the time to have the problem fixed).
Fact is, when a company can have such a VAST variety of experiences - mine on one end & 'good' & 'great' on the opposite end, it goes to show this one in particular does NOT provide 'consistent value' or 'service'.
I would warn anyone & recommend them to better assess their options FIRST if they want to avoid having a hole ripped in your wallet (while leaving you with the SAME problem they came to fix).
Caveat emptor -'let the buyer beware'!
If in doubt, read the MANY negative reviews posted by others - many of which people were ripped off hundreds & thousands of dollars for sub-standard 'work'. Staff should be ashamed to exploit others for a 'living'