Reviews by amys50

This review is for Natural Pain Solutions, Ringwood VIC

23 Jun 2014

I have had eczema and allergies since I was born and as I got older I thought I would have grown out of it. But I started working in my dream job (which I was allergic too) and found that my allergies and eczema wouldn't subside. I would wake up every morning in pain, skin weeping and bleeding, eyes puffy and go to work covered in bandages. Somedays I would get sent home as I could hardly walk. I went to see all different types of doctors and specialists but none of their treatments would give me relief, in fact some made me worse.

I was at the point where I would try anything when my mum came across Natural Pains Solutions and although Scott wasn't a skin specialist we went to see him.


Scott never promised to be a miracle worker and was honest with me that he would try as best he could to help me if I put in the effort and did exactly what he said by following his program.I have been with Scott for nearly 2 years now and I have never felt better. The initial detoxing was not the most pleasant of experiences but it was all worth it in the long run. I still take Scotts Natural medicines everyday but no longer need to go to him for therapy such as acupuncture and frequency treatments. I haven't worn my bandages in several months, I don't need to take steroid tablets or use steroid creams and both my allergies and eczema are minimal and manageable,

I have only just started a new job out of an industry I am allergic too after 5 years. I can't wait to finally be on the proper road to good health! So I can't thank and recommend Scott at Natural Pains Solutions enough for giving me the most relief I have had in years!

Amy Smith :)