Reviews by chadg840

This review is for Ballajura Veterinary Hospital, Ballajura WA

verified email - 11 Nov 2015

About 3 weeks ago we had to take our dog into ballajura vet as it is closest to our home.on the first visit it was a quick look over ,the reason we had taken him in their was he had a very bad cough and and it sounded like he wasnt breathing the the same time their was something not right with one of his eyes.
The vet told us he can a sign of kennel cough and gave us some medication aswell as told us he had cataract in that eye.
1 week later as asked from the vet we took him back in ,the cough had not stopped if not it got worse .this time we sore another vet and she had told us that we needed to do blood test as the cough should have gone away and also told us that we had been giving the wrong information and that he didnt have cataracts. At this point we were confused, but we thought mistakes do happen so we will proceed with the blood test.
The next day the same vet called me and let me know the results, she said they were fine and it had picked up on nothing. She then said she still wasnt 100% sure what cough was but with his eyes looking the way they were and rolling back it looked like something in the brain was effecring effecting it.witch as we knew its not a good sign.So as to the cough and the eyes she had decided to give us another medication to help our dog.
From here our dog looked like he was feeling better ,the cough had halved if not more and even his eyes looked like it was helping with his discomfort.
At this point we were happy with his progress especially after the help with that particular vet nurse. But
Unfortunately last friday our dog had made a massive turn and decided to have a fit (seizure ) as for any animal owner it is so hard to go through and there is really nothing you can do for them when its happening. First thing we done was get him back to the vet so thats what we did.
This time we got a different ver nurse and she had said from what she has sore in his history it doesnt look good although she took along time getting to the point we understand its not easy for them to tell the customer. She had have us some medication to help his incase he had another 1 and also for his sleeping.
It was this day we had let the nurse know that because of the way we sore him in discomfort and he wasnt himself nor happy we said if he had another 1 we would like to lay him to rest as we didnt want him in any pain or suffering what so ever.
Unfortunately 1hr later and he turned again and had another fit.this time it was worse and thats when we had to say we couldnt let him go through that again and had made our decision to lay him to rest.
I called the vet and informed them about it and the receptionist said you need to book a time.
Now im going tk be completely honest i really wasnt happy about it.
It is so difficult to make the decision to lay your dog to rest let alone actually making an appt to do it.
I have never heard this happen at any other vet before and as we have had to do it in the past with other dogs.
From there i think the lady had realized my suddent silence and shock she had ask she told me around 5 will be ok.
At approximately 5.30 we tooke him in ,i went up to the reception to inform them we were here and what needed to do.
NOW in any vet i have ever been to if anyone was to take a pet in to be put to sleep it was 1st priority, especially when they know what he has been through and could see him suffering in the back of my car....
they knew it was bad and he was suffering why one earth would they make us wait.
I walked out as anger had started to kick in,from here there was nothing i could do .i decided after 15min i went back in and told her please you cant do this he is suffering, the lady still deciding to reply with unfortunately we cant do anything yet.
At this time a lady had walked out of the vet ,she came over to us and asked why we sitting in the back of the car with our dog suffering, we then told her the reason was we had to wait.
At this point i have never seen someone so angry and disgusted ,she even started crying because she felt so bad that her dog was only in their for a mirco chip.she began to keep saying sorry to us to witch we knew it wasnt her fault.
The lady decided to walk back in the vet and told them how disgusted she was and that they needed to do something straight away and walked back out and left.
Know after that you would of thought something would of been done .like come on their was 2 ppl in the waiting room im sure if they were told the circumstances they would of waiting but no it was to hard for them.
At this point we had been waiting for 40 /45 min when something i and my family didnt need to see and that was our dog had another major fit in the back of the car.
It was now i ran up to the door and banged on it and said we need your help to witch the vet nurses had ran outside to do something..... now when i say vet nurses i mean 5 of them.
WHAT I WANT TO KNOW IS WHAT WHERE THEY REALLY DOING TO MAKE US WAIT THAT LONG.i had watched them sitting in the reception talking but they didnt careless .we had to wait the time and watch our dog go through everything again.
It was the hardest thing we could ever watch and all we wanted was for him to go peacefully but as he was not coming out of his fit easily we had to have the hardest decision done.
I am disgusting with this vet and i will never be returning to it.i still cant get my head around the fact to what 5 nurses were actually doing that was so important they couldnt do something that takes not even 5 minutes and would of relievedso much pain from not only our dog but also our family.
One person i am very pleased with witch has now been informed and was absolutely gobsmacked and dissapointed about her own vet was Christine. She was the most helpful person and i knoe this would not of occured if she was their on that day.
I cant thankyou enough.
Our boy has now been layed to rest and he will be dearly missed.