Reviews by claires14

This review is for Farm Fresh Organics, Rocklea QLD

24 Oct 2011

This service is excellent! It is fantastic value for money. Surprisingly, I overall pay little if not no more than what I normally would for the same amount of non-organic fruit and veg and what Farm Fresh Organics supplies me with is definitely tastier and fresher than supermarkets. I am excited to directly support Australian farmers who are committed to sustainable farming methods and be provided with delicious, pesticide-free food in return! I've noticed that a lot of Farm Fresh Organics' packaged goods are cheaper than other organic stores around Brisbane too. I'm quite shocked at what I now realise is a massive mark-up in stores. For example, a packet of soba noodles I bought from Farm Fresh Organics was $5.25 LESS than the local organic store. Farm Fresh Organics is reasonably priced indeed! I am so happy to support a business that is in keeping with environmental ethos and wants to make sustainable farming available to everyone and not just the very wealthy. One of my favourite parts of this service is that it's delivered right to my door each week so I don't have to fit a weekly grocery shop into my busy schedule. I sincerely can't think of a reason not to shop here!