Reviews by rossp5

This review is for Gateway Jewellers, Warrnambool VIC

verified email - 28 Apr 2012
Service Rating
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Value Rating

Recently purchased my wedding ring from Gateway Jewellers, the ring is a quality ring. The service is fantastic and all my needs were seen to and met. They will work with you regarding lay-by and purchases. prices are a little higher than most but you pay for quality pieces that are flawless. Well worth a look.

This review is for E-tax

verified email - 28 Apr 2012
Service Rating
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Value Rating

I have used ETax a number of times, it was fine to use, however I switched back to an account because I found that I was not able to easily obtain all of the tax return I was entitled to from E-Tax. The framework of the system is a little clunky but overall not too bad. Would recommend this for people who don't claim on much or have a bit of an idea of what they are required to report and claim.

This review is for Australian Sports Nutrition, Hamilton NSW

verified email - 28 Apr 2012
Service Rating
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Value Rating

I have only used the online Service from ASN. I have found it to be a prompt and reliable service. I have emailed the company a number of times seeking advice regarding some body building information, I received an email an hour later with fantastic advice. The products are all reviewed by the company and I know that if they don't met the high QA measures of the comapnt they are not put on sale.

This review is for Dungeon Crawl, Melbourne VIC

verified email - 28 Apr 2012
Service Rating
Quality Rating
Value Rating

Dungeon Crawl is value for money. Being an avid gamer I like to get games asap however I don't like having to pay over $100 to play the game. DC is fantastic the prices are reasonable and the games are genuine. Great service and super fast delivery. I have never been let down by Dungeon Crawl yet.

This review is for SMSPup, South Melbourne VIC

verified email - 28 Apr 2012
Service Rating
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Value Rating

I havent used this service for a little while now, however when I did it was fantastic, it was so handy when I was out of credit and has helped me when I desperately needed to get a message out to a family member. handy little web service.

This review is for, Sydney NSW

verified email - 28 Apr 2012
Service Rating
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Value Rating

365 cups has saved me a great deal of time, I work in an industry that requires me to be fairly punctual and time savvy and being able to order my coffee before I even leave the house and have it ready to pick up and go is a time save. I cannot live with out my morning coffee and 365 has helped immensely to ensure I can still get it and be at work on time.

This review is for, Alexandria NSW

verified email - 28 Apr 2012
Service Rating
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Value Rating

I love, both myself and my fiancee love to cook, we both love looking up ways to improve our favourite meals and never lets us down. Some of the tastiest meals we have cooked have come from the user submitted recipes available on the site. Great food, great website.

This review is for Proudfoots On The River, Warrnambool VIC

verified email - 28 Apr 2012
Service Rating
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Value Rating

What can I say the food is amazing! the price is affordable and the service is excellent. We are holding an event at Proudfoots and they have been approachable and working in with what we need. Highly recommend they will not disappoint you.

Approximate cost: $30

This review is for RewardsCentral, St Leonards NSW

verified email - 28 Apr 2012
Service Rating
Quality Rating
Value Rating

I have been a member of Rewards Central for a number of years now and have always found them to be a fantastic reliable rewards service. very easy to use, great rewards and great deals from stores are available.

Approximate cost: $0

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