Reviews by frankiH

This review is for John Hughes Service Centre, East Victoria Park WA

verified email - 19 Sep 2013

I Put my car (XR6T) in to have the stereo recoded this morning. This is a 10 minute job that I've seen done before that costs nothing but 10 minutes of their time. (In fact if you are not sure, there is a Youtube clip showing a VCM and the Ford IDS recoding the stereo ICC. The longest part of the process appears to be typing in the VIN number and PCM type/number. Then you just choose it from the Audio menu and almost instantly your stereo is decoded. )

They charged me $148. Just to plug the car into their computer and chose the option from the WDS/IDS menu. I've seen it done before and that is literally all there is to it.
The receptionist was nice and friendly and the place was run very professionally, but very high price was for me a show stopper. They also kept the car in for an hour and a half. This was despite them booking me in 15 minutes before the mechanics arrived at work to get it done early.

When I told the guy at the counter that I'd had it done before though work many times and it never took more than 15 minutes before, he tried to tell me that it took a while to hook the computer up. (It's one 16 pin ODB2 plug in the fuse box) They were polite and professional but they charge way too much for the service they provide.

UPDATE I , I got a call from one of their guys, he was very nice and understanding. They did not want anyone to leave unhappy so they lowered the price considerably and apologised for the time issue.

I'm very impressed that someone would go to that much effort to make sure someone wasn't unhappy with them.

UPDATE 2, Nearly month later the promised money never arrived. Since it only had to get a couple of kilometres down the street I think enough time has elapsed that it would have made it by now if it was going to.

UPDATE 3, I left another message to say I'd not received the cheque. They said they'd reissue and they did. So I did eventually get the money back that they promised.

I have a VCM cable and a FMP subscription now so I won't be needing their services again. But at least they kept their word.

Approximate cost: $148