Reviews by Oriental_Azn_Gal
Best value for money when it comes to tutoring for year 12 students studying Specialist Maths, Maths Methods, Physics and Chemistry.
Jack gives out weekly notes and questions at the beginning of class and goes through them in detail for the duration of the class which is located in his renovated garage.
Class sizes varies from 40-60 and students may be turned away when the room is too full, however, this usually only occurs just before exam periods starts.
The class is pretty fast paced and doesn't allow room for students to ask questions, not that you would really need to ask many anyways, since his notes and explainations are very thorough.
The room is fully air conditioned and heated, so students are usually very comfortable, temperature wise. When JAck senses that students are starting to fall asleep or get restless, he'll crack a few of his infamous 'ex-girlfriend' jokes to liven up the room.
Approximate cost: $20/2 hour lesson
I have graduated from MacRob a couple of years ago so some things may have changed, but from my experience, MacRob is a very academically orientated high school which gives a variety of subjects for students to choose from during year 9 and 10 electives, as well as VCE subjects.
Like all other public schools, there were a couple of teachers who were awesome at what they do, but you also a few who weren't so great. However, the environment that MacRob provides really helps the students to concentrate and study.
Went to this place to help my uncle place an order for a valentines bouquet delivered. The lady was very friendly and helpful. The shop front itself was very tidy and brightly lit with many very fresh flowers, cards and toys to choose from. Will definately go there again.
Used to go here with friends on a regular basis but have since been closed down and taken over by another Korean restaurant. Recommend people try other Kimchi Grandma franchises
Went with a couple of friends who weren't familiar with Vietnamese food who thought the food was decent. However, I find the food not very fresh and lacking in terms of the ingredients that should be in a Pho Dat Biet. Haven't been back siince
Wouldn't have a clue whether this place is authentic or not, but their curries are very delicious with a great variety of non-spicy curries for people that cannot handle the chili such as myself. The service was very fast and even though some of the staff doesn't seem like they understand or speak much English, they still try very hard to explain each dish upon request and make reccomendations.
I'm Chinese-Vietnamese and I remember going to this restaurant with my family on a regular basis as a child. However, in recent years, the food here is getting more and more Westernised, to a point that you wouldn't be able to tell that the food was made by Vietnamese people based on their taste. The portions have gotten a lot smaller and customer service to their fellow Asian customers, astonishingly horrible- a reason why you don't see many Asian customers coming to this place.
This place is only good for Western people who wants to think and look like that they are eating Vietnamese food. If you guys want REAL Vietnamese food, just walk back up Carrington road for about 300 meters into Indochine which does not serve the most authentic and best tasting Vietnamese food in Melbourne, but it's still thousand times more authentic than Tien Dat.
Authentic Japanese sushi house serving basic sushi based on their taste rather than their appearance. The interior of the place allows only a few seats available to customers decorated by random but unique Japanese statues, drawings and figurines.
The food doesn't taste authentic at all with poor customer service. Used to go back in high school because it was a cheap popular choice for dinner back in the days. Once had yakitori chickens delivered to me when they were still half raw. Never went back since.